Friday, November 28, 2008


Can you believe that it's already the day after Thanksgiving! 27 days until Christmas...and the race is on!
We had a great Thanksgiving dinner at my sister in laws house and after eating until we couldn't eat anymore, we headed for my in laws house. The day seemed to have flew by and before we knew it we were KID FREE for the night! I never thought I would ever be kid free for an entire night and I must admit, I didn't know what to do with myself.
After cleaning up the mess I left in the afternoon I sat down to sink my brain into the Black Friday ads. This is the first year that I couldn't find a real reason to get up at 4 am! I don't know if it's because of Jenna's age or just because she wants things that many others her age wouldn't want but I found myself grasping for any reason to get up! Of course I managed to come across something for the new baby and was up at 2 am shopping online.
At 7:30 I went to my mom's and picked her up for an eventful day of shopping. We hit up Toy's R Us, Kohls, and BJ's, getting alot of great deals. I don't feel like I am near the end of shopping yet but it felt good to get a start on things.
Hope everyone had a wonderful and safe holiday- I must go now, Jenna and I are heading out to Kmart if Kane will ever fall asleep!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

21 week OB Appt.

Well I posted today already but figured I owed it to this new little girl to post an update for her as well! Went to my normal every 4 week appt. today. All is well, baby's heartbeat is fast and steady. I am measuring right on for 21 weeks and have gained 3 lbs. Oops! What happened, I haven't even eaten my Thanksgiving dinner yet?
The Dr. gave me some OTC Prilosec for my horrendous heartburn so hopefully that will help.
Last night this little baby gave me a run for my money. After laying in bed with pain form my heartburn, I ended up running to the bathroom to "christen" the toilet. In the midst of throwing up, Kane decides to wake up and start hysterically crying. I couldn't stop getting sick so all I could do was grab him from his crib real quick and set him down next to me until my stomach decided to settle. Needless to say, I wouldn't wish that on anyone and would have rather been anywhere else then singing to the toilet at 1 am with a screaming 9 month old by my side!
Other than that all is well...I can't believe I only have 4 more months left until we meet this new member!

Happy 9 months Kane!

Well yesterday was his 9 month check up and I can't believe how big he is getting. His stats are as follows:
Weight- 21 lbs. (60%) We though for sure our little piggy was bigger than this!
Height- 29.5 " (90%) Could it be that he will be tall like his daddy and grandpa?
Head- 18" (60%) A little above average...I'll take it!
Check up went well except that he was unable to get his flu shot because he had a low grade temp. We figured that it was probably from his teeth but decided to wait a week or so just to play it safe.

Here are a few pictures I took in the last 2 weeks that I thought were so cute! Jenna just loves her little brother!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Christmas decorations already?

I have noticed every Christmas that stores have been setting up their displays earlier and earlier every year but now it's getting absurd! 3 days before Halloween a well known retail store had cleared there Halloween isle and started decorating with Christmas trees. I couldn't believe my eyes! Now, people are putting up there Christmas lights before it's even Thanksgiving! Isn't it a golden rule that you don't decorate for one holiday before another? Same as you don't wear white after Labor day, or are those days long gone?
We have decided to put our tree up Thanksgiving weekend because it suits our family best. Marc will be home all weekend which is rare and I want to take the kids pictures under the tree so I can make my greeting cards..I think that is legit, right? Anything before that seems a bit premature in my opinion!
For all of those reading who have already started decorating, I apologize but maybe I don't want time to fly by that fast yet!
Update time: Jenna is loving basketball! I am shocked because I would have passed her off more as a bookworm than a "sportsy" girl but she counts down the days until practice and can't wait for her first game which is December 6th!
Kane has both top teeth poking sharply through. I must say he did quite well with this round of teeth, no fever, no night waking etc. So I can't complain! He is our best eater of the he had eggs, toast, OJ and cereal for breakfast. Marc laughs because he says for our next one I will have a T.V. dinner waiting when she arrives home from the hospital!
Pregnancy- going on 20 1/2 weeks already. I don't feel big yet but think I am carrying more "wide" this time! I am wearing pregnancy jeans but really could still pull off regular pants. Maybe it's just me but I don't think people can quite tell yet and I sometimes catch people glance at my stomach as if I have ingested an alien. They can't tell if I have gained alot of weight or if it's possible that "the girl who just had a baby is pregnant again!"
Ok well I am trying to get on more so hopefully I can start to keep up more now that Kane is starting to amuse himself for longer periods of time!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Quick Update

Well seeing as I am such a slacker lately with blogging, I guess I will at least do an update!
Kane is almost 9 months old and I can't believe it. He is starting to get up on his hands and knees but as soon as we think he is going to take off, he does a belly flop and starts crying! He prefers to walk and we are afraid that is bad news! He pulls himself up and lunges for anyone to grab their fingers. Marc and I have been walking with him for the past 2 weeks and now he is cruising around with us, looking for anything to get in to. He will walk us towards the heater ducts, cabinets, and dog food! Oh goodness, I can see already that I need to start the baby proofing!
As for eating, he is our little piggy! He wants anything that we are eating and cries if we don't give it to him. I can't even say that he has a favorite because he it's it all!
Sleeping has been wonderful! I have high hopes of catching up on the last 8 months of little sleep before the new baby comes. For the last few days he has slept from 7:30 pm to 5:45 am! Sounds early but not having to wake up in the middle of the night makes all the difference.
Nothing new with the rest of the bunch- Jenna is involved in many things as I said before and Marc is still working on the upstairs!
Hope to be able to get some more pics posted as well...thanks for reading!

Monday, November 3, 2008

It's a..........

GIRL!! We had our ultrasound on Thursday last week and every thing went great! Baby is measuring right on key and all organs/parts are perfect. We are so excited to welcome our new baby girl on April 4th! Jenna is so excited to have a sister but was disappointed for Kane! She said that she knows he would want a brother! I think they will be so close in age that it won't matter.
I am not really showing all that much but I am sure that I will pop in the next few weeks. Besides having morning sickness still, I feel pretty good. I have only gained 6 lbs so far and for that I am thankful!
Everything has been going pretty smooth around here, normal chaos with Jenna's schedule of activities. Monday and Thursday are basketball, Tuesday is Art Club and Brownies, and Wed. is bowling so it makes for a busy week!
I had a trip to the ER Saturday night due to my kidney stones. I knew I had them but I guess something wiggled them loose which caused me to be in severe pain. Luckily the stone was small enough to pass quickly and it was a short lived visit to the ER (which I hate). Sunday was a very long day because Marc had to work all day and we had the time change. Besides not sleeping due to my ER visit, Kane woke up at 5:45. Luckily today we all feel refreshed and are getting back into the normal routine.
Hope everyone reading this is well! I am trying to post more frequently but have a hard time finding the time with an 8 month old that feels the need to be held 24 hours a day! LOL

Happy Halloween!

We are a few days late on posting pictures but I finally got a few moments to spare!