Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Doctor appt.

Well I had my normal check up at the Ob's yesterday after my L&D trip 2 weeks ago. He said that everything looked good but I have a hyperactive uterus! I did pass my glucose test (thank god) but I am severely anemic so I have to start taking Iron supplements. I have gained another 3 pounds which puts me up to 17 lbs so far. I can honestly say that I will be at my heaviest for all 3 deliveries after this last one, ugh. I will have alot of work to get this weight off. Although Marc says that I won't have to try because I won't have time to eat anyway! The Doctor also said that he will start doing the fetal-fibronectan tests at every visit to see if I will go into labor early. It still amazes me how much thing s have changed in the last 7 years since I had Jenna! Besides my visit to the doctor, we had a nice weekend. Kane went to his first birthday party at a place called Rollie Pollie's. Their was so much for him to do and he had a blast! I cannot find my camera but will post some pictures as soon as I do!

Friday, January 16, 2009

L&D already?

I made my first dreaded trip to Labor and Delivery Wednesday evening. I started to not feel good at bowling with Jenna and it just went downhill from there. I started contracting every 5 minutes or so and knew something wasn't right. After debating for over an hour on if I should call my doctor or not, I decided to call. He said it's way too early and head over to the hospital. They started monitoring me and the contractions were coming every 1-2 minutes by then. Thinking I may be dehydrated, they started an IV but with no avail. They decided to give me a shot of Terbutaline to stop contractions. Luckily after about 20 minutes they subsided. Not to get gross but my urine culture came back with a possible infection and also blood which points to my kidney stones. I had been fighting the stone pain for a few days so I already knew that I had one. By 10:00 we were heading home with a script for my "infection" and told that if I start contracting then I need to come back. I couldn't believe this was happening. All I could think about was how tiny this little baby still is and how I couldn't imagine delivering such a little baby. Today I am feeling better and even passed another stone so hopefully that was what caused the contractions..guess we will have to see. I can only hope that this little girl stays put and I am not put on bedrest. How would i take care of my 10 month old and my 7 year old while on bedrest...oh geez.

Friday, January 9, 2009

On your mark, get set, GO!

Well, he's walking. Yep my little itty bitty 10 month old baby is walking! As you read in my past posts, Kane started walking with assistance a while ago but now he is on his own. It's so amazing to me that this little boy is able to balance on his own.

His new favorite game is chase! I crawl behind him (yes, I said crawl, on all fours with my belly hanging down to the carpet, LOL) and chase him through the house, saying "I'm going to get you!". He squeals with excitement and starts running away from is so cute!

That is a big milestone for us, as I was secretly hoping he would walk before the new baby came! I didn't know how I would hold two at once, especially being such different sizes! Of course their are cons to him walking such as, putting his hands in the toilet, hanging on the stove, and heading straight towards the corner of the entertainment stand! Guess I'd better start baby proofing!

Monday, January 5, 2009

It's back to school we go..

Hi-ho the dairy-o, it's back to school we go! Well it was a smooth morning as we started our routine back up and headed off for school after 16 days away from school. Jenna was not thrilled to be going back but knew it was something she couldn't avoid, what a little trooper she is. Luckily they are still having there Christmas party today since school was cancelled the last day due to the storm.
Hoping Kane would resume his normal nap schedule proved to not be true. After having his sister home for 2 weeks, he has protested naps and seems to only get one nap of 45 minutes daily! This can't be happening yet- it's too soon!I thought for sure he would get back into the routine since we have complete silence again. Ugh, <> guess I am going to have to adjust to not relaxing anymore. On another note, Kane has decided to take up walking as a first job! He is now going from place to place and walking clear across the living room. This all started today! I went to walk in the kitchen and just as I turned around, here was Kane following me. My heart sunk as I reached for him because I didn't want him to land head first on the kitchen floor!
Pregnancy update- 28 weeks=7 months already...what?#@! My mom was gracious to buy us a new crib that matched Kane's so the next thing we need is bedding. I just need to order it as I found the ones I was looking for. We will eventually be putting the two little ones in the same room so I would like something to match at least! The "baby" is still nameless but I have accepted that she will probably remain nameless until she shows her face to the world! Last visit I was up 14 lbs. even after holiday food and cookies so I am happy with that. Next I go for my glucose test and can only hope that nothing is wrong with my sugar levels..what would I do without my junk!

Friday, January 2, 2009


Happy New Year friends and family! I hope everyone rang in the new year with a blast!
I will start off by thanking everyone for being such great friends and family to us. Our New Year toast was a bit rocky since we fell asleep and were woken up by Jenna telling us to get up. I was running to the fridge with one eye closed, trying to open the bottle of sparkling grape juice before the clock struck midnight and in the process yelling at Marc for not helping! Welcome to the world of "getting old"!
As it turned to a new year I couldn't help but think what lies ahead for our family- I have a precious little baby girl growing so rapidly in my belly and getting ready to make her appearance. I have a 7 1/2 year old that is secretly taking growth hormones because I swear she can't already be half way through 2nd grade, and a 10 month old that is getting so brave that he thinks it's ok to walk towards me by himself even though he can't quite walk yet! Where is the time going?
As 2009 fast approached, I am braced for a blessed yet difficult year. I can only hope and pray that things will turn out easier than my mind is making them seem and we get through this major change steady and safe!
Here's a toast to everyone reading :"May you and your loved ones have a happy, safe, and healthy New Year and please don't take anyone or anything for granted in 2009...including your money!" LOL Here's to our future president for making our economy stable again and to families who are feeling the crunch. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!