Ok, so far my day has been going pretty smooth. Well, smooth. Well, sort of. Kane is doing his usual napping every 2 hours and Jenna went with my in laws. I have been doing laundry and cleaning since the "cleaning" fairy decided to possess my body all day! But as smooth sailing as I think the day is going, their are sure to be some bumps along the way.
It starts off with me walking downstairs in the basement only to see my hot water tank leaking. Luckily, my basement has a drain in the floor and it's slanted so the water has a steady stream right down the hole, but to be on the safe side I decide to pick up anything of value and move them. This is where the fairy intruded my body. She must have entered through the holes in my ear because I swear I hear a little voice telling me to tackle all of the laundry piling up. So their starts that project..and just so you know, I HATE laundry! (just ask Marc)
Then I proceed to go upstairs and look through the coupons for the week..nothing as usual. I always wanted to know why we have to buy 2 of everything to get $1.00 off? Why not just buy one and save the money that the other one would cost? SO anyway, of course all I find is a $1.50 off Pampers, big deal..the darn things cost $9.99 for one package anyway. Which leads me to my title for today's blog: Why is everything so expensive? Diapers are made from "junk", or some sort of enviornmentally wrong cotton that isn't biodegradable. We usually go through a diaper every 2-3 hours so divide that by 24 hours and we have 8-12 diapers a day. A package of diapers lasts maybe, a week or so depending on if you have a 7 year old that likes to use them for her stuffed animals.
OK moving onto baby food. I read on the tiny baby food jars that they contain water and natural fruits. Ok, water, how much would that cost and maybe a half of a fruit added into the "free" water? Then they have to put it in these pretty glass jars with lids made out of 14 karat gold, well,, that's what I like to think. If I am going to pay .55 cents for one teeny, tiny jar that lasts one feeding at least I can pretend that their is really ground up Fillet Mignon. So please, someone explain to me why water and "processed fruit" is so expensive?
Needless to say after spending maybe 45 minutes in the grocery store and 4 bags of "nothing" later, I dropped $96.00? SO as I am walking out shaking my head, I look down only to see this two big blue eyes staring at, babbling in baby talk and it dawned on me, they could charge me $50 for a bag of diapers and $5.00 for a jar of food and it wouldn't matter how "holy expensive" it is because my little bundle of joy is priceless!