Friday, August 15, 2008

Is their anybody out there?

Sometimes I wonder just maybe if their is someone or something watching me, maybe it's a fly or a dirt speck, maybe it's my dog or cat, or even the 4 foot tall doll that is standing right beside of me? I wonder this for many reasons but the sole reason today is Jenna. I do believe I owe a lot of my edgy-ness to one in particular little boy who prefers to talk rather than sleep at night but my other person of interest is my 7 year old daughter!
Now I was trying to recall ever doing things to my mother when I was little and I do think that children just don't know when to stop pushing buttons. So far Jenna has managed to strike every nerve inside of me and make me want to scream. I tell her to eat her cereal in the kitchen, she brings it in the living room and spills it. I tell her to stay out of her room because her daddy is sleeping there (after a long nights work), she goes in 10 times only to wake him up. I tell her to be quieter because Kane is sleeping, she gets that brings me back to the age old question- Is someone watching me and laughing? Is this supposed to be a silly joke played on me and I won't know it until my kids are grown? Please tell me that sanity will be knocking on my door in the near that a knock I hear?
Nope just my darling daughter banging on the shower wall telling me she is ready for me to wash her hair.
Oh and I forgot to mention one detail as well..we have to go to the Jonas Brothers concert tonight-that's all I have to say!

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