Thursday, March 19, 2009

Kane's 1 year visit

Today Kane had his one year doctor visit. He is doing great- 22.8 lbs and 31 inches tall. I was so proud of him, they did the lead prick and he just sat on my lap the whole time. Luckily daddy was their to help distract him! Then he got his Prevnar shot, OUCH! He cried and cried for that one but once I gave him a sucker he was fine. The doctor decided to wait on the chicken pox vax because of the new baby. She said she didn't want to take any chances since I was due any day. Other than that it was a quick, perfect appt. and we go back at 15 months!
Update on me: I am almost 38 weeks pregnant and have had enough! Everything hurts and I am nursing a kidney stone in the process. I begged my OB to induce me so he compromised and said that at my next appt. on Tuesday we will decide on Wed. or Thursday..thank god! I want my little girl to be healthy but my lord, she is out of room! So keep posted for my next blog entry as I will probably be introducing our new little girl!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

WTG Kane! I cannot believe his stats, what a big healthy boy! The boys have their 15 month WBV next Friday, always an adventure getting them ready and there by 8:30am.
Can you believe you will be meeting your new little girl in a matter of days, WOW!!!!